Event Series Stride & Ride the Course

Stride & Ride the Course

All Captain’s Cove Residents are invited to Stride & Ride along the paved path through the golf course during select Wednesdays. On the dates listed above, the last Tee Times for Golfers will be 2 hours before the start of the Stride & Ride. Enjoy walking, jogging, roller-blading, and skateboarding, NO MOTORIZED VEHICLES! Only forward-motion […]

May Operating Committee Meeting

Marina Club 3323 Dock Court, Greenbackville, VA, United States

Listen to a recording of this meeting at this link. Topic: May 19th, 2023 Operating Committee Meeting Time: May 19, 2023 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89206434555 Meeting ID: 892 0643 4555 One tap mobile +13126266799,,89206434555# US (Chicago) +16469313860,,89206434555# US Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) […]

Live Music: The Runner Ups

Marina Restaurant 3323 Dock Court, Greenbackville, VA, United States

<a class="button-orange button" href="/reservation/">Make a Reservation</a> **Subject to Change. Call 757-824-3465 to verify entertainment and times.

Dinner & Music: The Cove Trio

Marina Restaurant 3323 Dock Court, Greenbackville, VA, United States

Make a Reservation **Subject to Change. Call 757-824-3465 to verify entertainment and times.

Crafter’s Corner

Cove Commons Captain's Corridor, Greenbackville, VA, United States

Live Music: Tear the Roof Off

Marina Restaurant 3323 Dock Court, Greenbackville, VA, United States

Make a Reservation **Subject to Change. Call 757-824-3465 to verify entertainment and times.

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